Things to Know about Sinker EDM Machining

March 31, 2021 by Laurice Avery

EDM or spark machining may use brass wires or electrodes for electrical discharge machining. This process creates sparks that are emitted by electrodes or wires. It erodes some of the materials to make specific parts of machinery, cars, and appliances.

categories: Industry, Engineering

Applications of Alloy Forging

January 22, 2021 by Louisse Scott

The forging industry is growing by leaps and bounds, and it doesn't show signs of stopping soon. There are estimates that the market will reach a net worth of more than a couple billion dollars in 2025, and the automotive industry is soon to follow. There's also the fact there's an increase in demand for the metal forge in many global enterprises today. Some of these industries may include automotive, fire systems, water circulation, automation, and aerospace. And these are just a few of them.[...]

categories: Industry, Engineering

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