SLS has failure analysis capabilities that identify root causes of failures to improve future performance and solve real-world problems.
The SLS Failure Analysis team are highly experienced and are experts in the mechanical engineering field. Our team can guide you through the entire process and provide independent testing required for your failure analysis and investigation.
Furthermore, we work to your unique requirements, whether it is a simple failure analysis or a comprehensive failure investigation that involves consultancy, investigation and a diverse range of expertise.
We have a collection of reports in different industries that are available for you to download, these reports provide you with insightful information which include:
- A visual inspection of the component
- A detailed explanation of the root cause of failure
- Recommendation to prevent re-occurrence
Download the case studies below:
Case Study 1: Electric Motor Failure in the Repair and Servicing Industry
Case Study 2: Angular Misalignment in the Ice Production Industry
Case Study 3: Bearing Radial Clearance in the Electric Motor Manufacturing Industry
Case Study 4: Bearing Housing Misalignment in an Industrial Incinerator Company
Case Study 5: Lubrication Failure of an Indoor Application
Case Study 6: Incorrect Shaft & Adaptive Adjustments in the Arcylic Manufacturing Industry
Case Study 7: Lubrication Failure in a Technology Manufacturing Company
Case Study 8: Bearing Mishandling in the Power & Technology Manufacturing Company
Case Study 9: Insufficient Preload on Bearing of a Gearbox in a Machinery Manufacturing Company
Case Study 10: Undersized Shaft in an Electric Works Company
Case Study 11: Inadequate Lubrication in a Petrochemical Company
Case Study 12: Entrapped Swarf in a Chemical Company
Case Study 13: Excessive Axial Thrust in the Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Industry
Case Study 14: Non-Conformance Housing in the Shipyard Industry
Case Study 15: Insufficient Lubrication in the Palm Oil Industry
Case Study 16: Non-Conforming Fit in the Thermoplastic Industry
Need help with your machine or component breakdown? Our Failure Analysis Team is ready to help. Contact us at +65 6515 0515 or book a consultation with us below:
*Last updated on October 18, 2021