SLS Blog

SLS-SKF Maintenance Products Workshop

Written by SLS | June 14, 2016

On 27 April 2016, SLS has come together with SKF to a conduct a "Maintenance Products Workshop" in Singapore to introduce customers to SKF maintenance products and how the solutions provided can create an advantage for their business. The full day seminar covered a range of topics such as bearing mounting and dismounting, bearing pullers and oil injection, shaft alignment, condition monitoring and bearing lubricationThe workshop comprised two sections: a presentation by Mr. Tanasit Jittiwasurat, an erudite trainer who is the MaPro Business Development Manager at SKF Thailand, providing the introduction of each product where attendees could gain knowledge of the SKF products; and a tactile demonstration offered by experienced engineers from SLS, where customers could participate and acquaint themselves with the products and and take a crack at each tool. 

The seminar was also aimed to enhance interaction between trainer-engineers and customers with a Q & A session where the customers were highly engaged as they asked questions on particular products that were just demonstrated and how these products could help them with their individual operational needs.

The demo session was also found to be extremely beneficial to the customers as they were able to observe and understand the application of each product and its method, such as bearing mounting and dismounting, testing of the grease kit and the use of shaft and belt alignment tools.

The seminar was an overall positive experience to all of the participants according to the feedback given. Customers were happy to learn and acquire valuable knowledge from the workshop. We will see many more of the joint effort of SLS and SKF in the course of time.

We've made a video for the workshop! Click below to watch the video.